Tuesday, February 10, 2015

what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "servant"?

The Profile of a Servant of God (highlights)from CYA Christian Service Series
Work, labor, job... they're all part of our life... it''s what they all tell us.. we study so we could be secure in the future,  much better, get rich... but did anyone ever tell you that our ultimate purpose is to serve others? 

There are lots of ways to serve others.. but let's talk about how Jesus would serve others...

Number 1. Truly serving others does not require your excellent, pure human effort. You do not have to do it all on your own. God is here to help you. Pure human effort means that you do your task without regard of what God really wants you to do and without acknowledgement of His help. In God-man team effort, there is a recognition of the big support God is giving you. You do what you can do, you give your best, and God will take care of the things that are beyond your control. Isn't it cooler and smoother this way? ;)

Number 2. To a person who wants nothing more but to help, any service, even the smallest, most humbling one, is welcome to his booklet of activities. It doesn't matter if he would be working backstage, restoring the order of the venue after an event, or just capturing photographs, he would be ready to serve with a cheerful heart. It's okay even if he can't put it in his résumé.. ;)

Number 3. No reward is better than the fulfillment brought about by serving others with God and with your whole heart.. So whether he is given a trophy or be given a word of "thanks".. it won't matter a bit.. to him these are just consolation prizes. ;)

Number 4. Some people get so caught up in their service that they're willing to do what it takes to get their job done.. to win the prize.. to achieve they're goal.. They forget that they are in this service to serve others (that includes your co-servants)... Exactly, right? Whether the job is done or not, every step of the process is an opportunity to serve. So they are not in a rush to finish it on time or way before time.. Of course, they follow the sked, do the best they can, but more than that, they keep in mind that it is their relationship with others that matters.

Number 5. People serve because they need to and not because they are feeling good or they're feeling good about themselves. They recognize that need for service and they put this above what they are feeling at the moment. 

(from Matthew 14:12-14)
Then they went and told Jesus what had happened. As soon as Jesus heard the news, he left in a boat to a remote area to be alone. But the crowds heard where he was headed and followed on foot from many towns. Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

What do you think Jesus felt when He heard about His cousin's beheading? He might have wanted to grieve He went to a remote area alone... but because He knew He had a mission to accomplish, and because people were seeking Him, He chose to teach first than to grieve. He thought about others before Himself. Now, that's something real divine. :)

Number 6. Servants also have limitations. For personal reasons and for other reasons, they may not be able to perform or finish the task assigned to them. Instead of forcing what's been planned to happen, a real servant must instead be flexible - willing to adapt to changes most importantly when a co-servant needs his support. 

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