Wednesday, August 15, 2012

No Mercy!!

Just want to share my realization regarding the beloved children on the streets..

Sometimes i see them lying down, sleeping on those dirty pavements..
Sometimes i see them coming to me, approaching other more people..
Sometimes i see them running along and across  roads ..
Somehow, i pity them for what they are, and for what they cannot do while, and especially while they are still young..
i pity them for the limitations that have caused boundaries in their lives.

Yet for some days ago, i was able to understand that i am not supposed to pity them!
i am not supposed to look down on them and show them mercy, give them money..
They do not need mercy..
What they need is justice!
Children have the right to shelter, the right to food and proper nutrition, the right to education, the right to recreation, and not just playing down the streets..

Children, we should not forget, are human beings.. what could my mercy do for them?
i should, instead, treat them as brave young people.. knowing that like me, they have abilities, they have dreams, they have hopes and ambitions..

These children don't just need food for everyday survival, they need love and care and education...
they need to know that they have dreams they need to realize
they have to know that their future is bigger than what they seem to have now..
they have to understand their abilities and know their purpose and become fully alive..

Again, they need love... and what they need are people who could understand what is deeper than what most of us see..

So i begin my day, praying for justice and trying to be the justice that they need.

So, please, help me, Father.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kerygma Bible Reflections


For I am with you, to deliver and rescue you, says the Lord. – Jeremiah 15:20

       When Francis was only four years old, we watched Jurassic Park I. I was worried about the scary parts of the movie. Especially when a ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex bites the bald lawyer sitting on the potty. How morbid. So right before the T. Rex chomped half of the lawyer’s body, I covered my son’s eyes. He protested, “I want to see that, Daddy. It’s the fun part.”
       After the movie, I asked him, “Weren’t you scared?” He said, “I watched the movie before. I know the ending.”
       He knows the ending that’s why he wasn’t scared.
       Friend, are you worried about your problems? Are you anxious over what will happen tomorrow? Listen. God knows the last chapter of your life. And from what I hear, it’s very good. Glorious even. You have a happy ending.
       You may be going through tough times now but fear not. Believe that you’ll be stronger. Your faith will be purer. Your heart will be bigger. And you’ll be more blessed than ever.
       Because the best is yet to come.

              ~Bo Sanchez (