Saturday, August 15, 2009


[no pic available. but as i can remember it is all white]

What can you see in the picture above? What can you perceive and what does it tell you?

I can see calmness, purity and innocence in that picture and it’s wonderful really to imagine it. I could feel peace just by looking at it.

In this topsy-turvy world we have today, things are indeed more complicated than before. People need to learn many things, do many things in difficult ways to go with the waves of time, to survive. But I’d like to wonder, do we really need to do this? Absolutely! Yes we need to learn to think logically, be equipped with mathematical analysis we learned in school, study the sciences of things, learn how to communicate, and eventually, earn a living for ourselves and/or for people depending on us, if our goal in life is just to make a living. But what is the sense of living if our attention is only focused in nourishing our physical and mental needs? Our soul also has its needs, the only problem is that we prioritize our physical needs, because for us, it is the essence of life, it is what’s important in living.

Life is a paradox. This whole cycle we continue and pass on to next generation is a paradox. We are striving to become mature and people say that the world is old because of the advancement of technology, the achievements of humanity, and these numerous discoveries (scientifically) which explains things and queries that bothered our ancestors long ago. Know what? The whole world is not becoming mature and it hardly does. Its maturity is in fact going backwards. People nowadays turn twenty or so without even knowing how to handle their emotions. Students earn their college degrees without even knowing their real purpose in life. People, in the prime of their life, recall how well they’ve lived and yet weren’t even a bit contented and didn’t even know what happiness is all about. In short, people grow old without even listening to their hearts.

I believe that what drives us (generally) to live is the common force outside us: the business of our schedules, the demands our society wants, social life, and other factors you now which I don’t need to mention. These factors tend to overpower us that our mind becomes narrow and limited causing us to forget one thing – we fail to understand what’s inside us. We don’t what our uniqueness among others is and we don’t now how to use them. We don’t know how to identify our needs. We fail to become who we’re supposed to be and we function not according to what we are designed for. That is why our world becomes so complicated because deep within ourselves there are already conflicts and battles. The world’s complexity leads to misunderstanding, chaos, war. Could you just imagine the cause and it’s effects?

So what do we have to do? The picture is telling us already… it is white and it symbolizes goodness – positivity. Thus, we have to clean ourselves of negative thoughts, be innocent again like a child, and listen not to the noise outside but to the murmur of our hearts. What does it tell you?

Sometimes in our busy schedule today, we need to connect to what is inside us and ask for enlightenment from our Creator. We need to welcome the break, relax, and be silent. Understanding your heart will calm the greatest storms inside and out.

Why don’t we all give it a try?