Saturday, February 28, 2015

Jeepney Story #1

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a typical jeepney ride scenario..

i was seated in the middle like the blue guy beside Lola (grandmother)... In the middle of the ride, the driver suddenly said, "O sinsilyo daw diha sa mga wala pa kabayad kay ipangkambyo nato." (Loose change for those who have not paid their fare yet, we'll use it give others their change.) The driver's voice was only slightly audible from my position, so i was not wondering if those farther away from him did not hear his pleading. i thought of echoing the driver's words to tell other passengers.. but then i thought to myself, "that's just a waste of time, some will pay their fares sooner or later; it's not like it's something so urgent and a quick response is needed." A moment later, i noticed a person seated just at the back of the driver looking for coins in her purse to pay the driver. Surely, she would hear the driver's request - she was just at the back of the driver. But then again, what if the coins she paid were less than what the driver needed? What if the passenger was reaching her destination and not yet receiving the change for the cash she paid? Then i thought that it would have been better if the driver's voice was more audible.. but it would have been also helpful if there were cooperative passengers to relay the driver's message...

okay, so that was something so common.. you witness it everyday.. either some people speak up, or drivers make their voices be heard by everyone in the jeep, or the person who needs the change would just wait for her to be given the change... as i have told you, it is not something to be solved, it is not something you have to ponder, it is not something so important.. that is how lots of people also view Christianity - it is not urgent, you can survive with or without it, it is a choice for you whether you take it seriously or not, it is NOT A PRESSING ISSUE!! But then again, there are others who hear the good news of salvation and share it... there are others who preach... there are others who preach widely and loudly so that a good number of audience hears the message... there are others who preach calmly but repeatedly, somehow implying that the message is important... there are also others who hear the message and echo it to others.. there are others, however, who hear the message and let it die in them - like what i did in the jeepney ride.. However, when you knew about Christ, when you heard about Him, most especially when you encountered Him and you had your heart touched by Him and you realized how you are loved deeply and widely by Him for like the longest time, you really have to do something to tell the world that God's love is the answer to everything. and THIS, you'd have to agree, is something VERY PRESSING! it cannot wait any second longer.. this is urgent news! there is a God-shaped hole in everyone's heart and not money nor fame nor career can fit in there.

Then again, the fact is that, you could still choose to be a Christian or not.. God, in His immense and incomprehensible love for us, gave us free will.. ...Yet you can never deny who you are - sons and daughters of one Father.. You may only act as if you are not a son/daughter of God.. But only when you embrace your identity will you truly find that peace and joy that nobody can steal away from you.. :) God bless you! and know that you are loved. ;)

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