Sunday, November 7, 2021

Reasons to read (and to love!) Anne of Green Gables

I've initially become interested with Anne of Green Gables because of the Netflix series "Anne with an e". My workmate, Kiri, had been talking to me about it and i grew curious enough to try to watch it. I liked the storyline about two unmarried siblings taking a leap of faith and adopting an orphan. 💕 I only finished watching the first 2 episodes of season 1. The story, the characters, they were more than enough to capture my heart. I realized that finishing the 3 seasons of the series would take so long, i'd probably learn the whole story faster by reading the book. 

And that was what i did. Before the end of June 2021, i finished reading Anne of Green Gables.

I've listed all the reasons I found (so far) on why you too should read Lucy Maud Montgomery's masterpiece. Wow... 😍😍

  1. It sets in the 1900s (in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island) where there are no phones, no internet and no computers and yet people had a lot of fun to do. People's days were filled with interesting and lovely activities, not to mention all the adventure Anne went through. L.M.M. paints Avonlea so beautifully you'd actually want to live there.
  2. The story is about family, friendship and just enough romance to make readers swoon. Haha!
  3. There is so much scope for imagination in just about everything. If you just give them a chance, the leaves of the trees or even the little flowers can tell you tales and stories.
  4. Characters can appear to have stone-cold hearts but once you get to know them they are actually truly kind.
  5. There are actually people who are beautiful in and out. And there's a lot of them in Avonlea.
  6. Kindred spirits exist!!!!
  7. Characters can be unexpectedly funny at random situations. You won't suspect a chapter in the book to be so full of laughs. 
  8. L.M.M. built wonderful character development that you'd come to love nearly all of them.
  9. A story doesn't need to have a villain to be memorable.
  10. Anne is really admirable in the way she expresses herself. She thoughtfully chooses her words so she can accurately convey her message. 
  11. Anne's love for books and stories are contagious. She would make it seem that reading is the most wonderful way to spend a vacation.
  12. The book is a reminder that dreams do come true for people who never stop believing and for people who continue to put in every effort to move closer to their ambitions.
  13. Our protagonist is an 11-year old girl. This book is usually assigned in grade-school book reports. They say this book is for kids, but in truth men and women also have a lot to learn from the story.
If i'd reread the book, i'll surely add more to my list.

Let's support The Reading Project Ph. 💕
P.S. Happy birthday, Mama.

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