Wednesday, October 28, 2015

You are my "Only Hope"

Sing to me the songs of the stars..
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again..
When it feels like my dreams are so far..
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again..

Sometimes, i feel so distant to my targets in life - to my dreams.. i feel like i am losing myself in life.. Not that it's bad to lose oneself in life, but it's bad to lose oneself away from your purpose.. But there are really things that are out of my control.. That is why situations like these just need a remembrance of God's promises.. :)

i've actually longed to draw this a long long time ago.. i just didn't find the courage and the time to do it.. And in addition to that, i really haven't pictured/envisioned everything i needed to draw.. And i really can't believe i did it.  it's a miracle, you see.. :) Anyways, thanks to my sister's acrylic paint.. it's actually a first time too.. the last time i used acrylic was just for lettering.. my gosh.. but the painting is really a beginner's painting .. heheh..  But in fairness to this "trial"/"experiment", i am loving the texture it presents..

October 26-27, 2015


  1. Your painting is so beautiful. I love it. It shows fluidity and I love how you play with different hues of blue.

  2. thank you so much! i never thought i could do something like that too! but i actually need lots of practice.. are you a blogger? Will you send me a link of your blog? :)
