Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mama's day!

Undiluted, mother and child blue rain art print
Painting from Etsy
"Years ago, a young mother was making her way across the hills of South Wales, carrying her tiny baby in her arms when she was overtaken by a blinding blizzard. She never reached her destination; and when the blizzard had subsided, searchers found her body beneath a mound of snow. But they discovered that before her death, she had taken off all her outer clothing and wrapped it about her baby. When they unwrapped the child, to their great surprise and joy, they found he was alive and well. She had mounded her body over his and given her life for her child, proving the depths of her mother love. Years later that child, David Lloyd George, grown to manhood, became prime minister of Great Britain and, without doubt, one of England's greatest statesmen."

This story, however, is untrue because Lloyd's mother was still alive even after his childhood years. But it is an inspiring story though.. And i know that lot's of mothers, or even other people, would not think twice to do the same to protect someone they love. Anyhow, this is how i'd like to die - to die like Jesus, dying to save someone's life. i just like the thought of it because at least i know that i died not for nothing, right? But anyhow, if i do that, i know that dying would not scare me that much anymore.. :)

P.S. Just so you know, i achieved something yesterday.. i greeted Mama a happy mother's day at about 11:40pm.. So there! :)

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