Monday, November 19, 2012

Jesus Lives in our Hearts

Jesus is everybody's hope. He was born 2000 years ago in a humble manger in Bethlehem, and up until now His story lives in the hearts of many people. He had spent His humanity in less than thirty-five years, but had only spent about three years preaching the Word of God. What was so special about Him that even for a long period of time the indelible print He has left on lives stayed alive? What is so significant about Him and what was His contribution to humanity?

i have never seen Him in person, but i have encountered Him personally - at home, in school, in the city and through the scriptures. Knowing Him and looking up respectable to Him, i hope to acquire the values/traits He has shown to those who encountered Him. He is somebody filled with love and capable of truly loving others, even sinners. He is all-knowing, and more than that, He is filled with immense wisdom about God and about the scriptures and their interpretations. He also has courage to stand up for God, the people He loved, and for the truth.

His deep love for God and for the people was shown in countless ways. Loving God, He communicated with the Father always, talking to Him and asking Him for guidance. His preaching and teaching the people shows His love for them. Because He was concerned for humanity, because He loved them, He wanted to teach them and show them the way, the truth, and the life. His life was endangered a lot of times; there was no assurance of a bountiful meal in every destination, but He kept on going until His work was fulfilled. Most importantly, His love for His Father and for the people was shown every time He submitted to the will of His Father, especially when the time came when it was His life that is needed to be given up. Thus, the greatest love story was broadcasted over generations.

Another quality of Jesus that amazed me was His profound knowledge of the scriptures and about the way He interprets them when preaching. His wisdom was shown during times teachers of the law or Pharisees tried to trap Him by their series questioning. Still Jesus was consistent in His knowledge and in His stand regarding the law and the scriptures. Because of this, He proved to everyone that what He was preaching to them was the truth, and that indeed, He is the Son of God.

Jesus was very courageous in fulfilling His mission and especially in facing a lot of challenges along the way. Although He had disciples who could assist Him in preaching, He received rejection in many places. But because He was very persistent in preaching the Word, He continued to go on and went to a lot more places to tell everyone about the truth. There was also a situation wherein people were buying and selling goods at the temple area and He drove them away. He did not want people to fool each other and lie to each other. Because He knew what was right, He did what was needed to be done, with courage and confidence. He was filled with courage because He was primarily moved by His Father's will to save the people and also because of His love for all. This courage was also seen when death was near. He admitted that if it is possible, let what was supposed to happen pass away. But in the end, He wanted His Father's will to be done. So, He faced death with an unfailing faith, and with courage, strength and love in His eyes. This act of love and courage, to die for one's friends, was indeed very touching and moving.

i really need to have these traits of Jesus, as in everyday. Although i could tell you of a story about how i showed courage for a stranger. i am very shy, so doing it was a very big achievement for me, and i was indeed very happy and fulfilled to have helped someone. i was riding a jeepney going home one night. the jeepney was nearly full and i was seated just behind the front seat on the right side of the jeepney and there were two passengers seated in front. It was just a normal ride when suddenly the jeep came to a stop. The passenger from the inner side of the of the front seat reached his/her destination. She/he has to get off the jeepney and to do this, his/her seatmate needs to go off the jeepney first. After which, the other passenger went in the jeepney again but i noticed something from her was dropped unintentionally on the roadside. i looked out the jeepney if there really was something and i indeed saw some papers. Thinking that she still needed those, i hurriedly asked the driver to stop. i then told the passenger that she dropped something. She got off the jeepney and immediately recovered the things on the road. Running back, she sincerely thanked me and rode on the jeepney again. i could actually notice a lot of passengers looking at me. i don't know if they are happy for what i've done or just annoyed for delaying their travel. All i know is that for once, i am capable of being brave to do right things for other people. And for that evening, i really felt good.

Of all traits of Jesus, i already have a little of love and wisdom. It is courage that i have very little of. Because i know that it is very useless to know what is right and wrong if you do not have the courage to do it. So i am continually praying to find that courage in Christ, but i also pray for love and wisdom, and let us pray together. Let us always look to Jesus, the perfect model and example for all of us.

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